Simply because they believe there is a God and that we should worship him and that the Bible is trustworthy and gives us truthful, reliable explanations about where we are from, the best way of living now, and what our future can be. That's it in a nutshell really.
Must obey!
JoinedPosts by Must obey!
Concrete Reasons for Being a JW (or member of any religion)
by Mrs. Witness inhere is a question i've been wanting to ask hubby: "why do you want to be a jw?
" and i don't want ethereal answers like "they have the truth" "everlasting life" and other such nonsensical ramblings.
i am not a member of any organized religion and i don't see the appeal.. can anyone answer the question with a concrete reason?.
VERY strange phone call.
by momzcrazy inas most of you know, on dec 22 i sent my letter of da to a local elder.
in my same town.
about a mile away.. well...i got a phone call today from a very sweet sister, who, if i had stayed, i could have become good friends with.
Must obey!
I think that is why I would never disassociate myself...can't see the point...all it would do is really hurt some people who love me.
Must obey!
Haha that is so obnoxious but its kinda cute and clever too...
Must obey!
Yeah cause Osama Bin Laden will never upset a guy whose name sounds so similar to his...right?
by hamsterbait inwe should start an annual festival of "secret sin" at the kingdumb hell.. from now on hamstergod has made it known thru his true prophet (moi !
) - (imagine your own thundering divine squeak a la gibbering buddy):.
"the first sunday in february shall be forever, even unto eternity, known as "wear womens panties under your suit to the kingdumb hell day".
Must obey!
Do You Use Floride?
by sammielee24 ini'm a believe in non-floridation because i believe that the introduction of toxins into our bodies does nothing but harm us in the long run.
fluoride has shown up in the blood of newborn babies and given that it affects the neurological systems, and given the fact that parents are warned not to mix formula with tap water in some areas or allow children under the age of 6 to use fluoridated toothpaste, you have to wonder who is making all the money on the product.
i watched a report on this just the other day where a dentist was saying that cavities are down in the popuation but what she didn't point out was all the casualities showing up now with tooth enaml wore off, tooth discolouration, bone loss and some cancer links.
Must obey!
It's a poisonous petro-chemical by-product and is NOT the same as natural fluoride found in mother nature. They used to put warnings on toothpaste when they first started adding this toxic muck to it in the 1950's because it was considered risky for children!!
Dentists have a vested interest in promoting the lies about this stuff. The reason kids in poorer areas have bad teeth is because of poor diet, junk food, and ignorance of the parents in disciplining their children to brush their teeth regularly etc....nothing to do with the water being fluoridated or not.
Just visited by 2 Mormon "sisters"
by Bonnie_Clyde inthey knocked on the door at 7 p.m wearing their badges.
i didn't realize that they ever sent women out.
actually we had a few sessions with a couple of mormon elders over a year ago.
Must obey!
OMG...magic mormon underpants!....I had no idea...that is unbelievable and so wacked...thanks for posting that awesomely funny & bizarre tubevid. No wonder those mormon girls held such an inexplicably mysterious erotic power over me. (or maybe I was just really really horny when they came - scuse the pun - cause in those days I always tried hard not to flog my log and grieve the spirit.)
hmmmmmmmmmm i was just wondering ..
by grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95 inare satan and jesus brothers ?
Must obey!
Yes they were.
nomoreguilt's WIFE has a
by nomoreguilt inhello, i am nomoreguilt's non-jw wife.
nomoreguilt was a witness for many years when i met him.
we have been married for over 4 years and still honeymooning.
Must obey!
Well the JW's do have a fairly reasonable answer to your question which is found in a number of JW publications, eg, the Creation book or the brochure "Why does God permit suffering" (or similar title) with, but even after reading their explanation (at first sight much better than what most churches say on the subject) you are still left with some puzzling contradictions and its ultimately unsatisfying, having scanty scriptural support.
5 stages
by Anti-Christ ini was thinking about the different stages we go through when we start to find out the lies of the jw.
i find they are similar to the stages someone might go through when they find out they are going to die soon.
i think this one is obvious.
Must obey!
Yes I can relate to all those stages. I'm at the 5th stage now, thank goodness, and have finally found an acceptance and peace.
But I would make the very first stage something called the "discovery/epiphany" stage. Denial comes immediately after it. Its when you finally give in to the temptation to research bigtime, spending countless hours unearthing all of the alternative information, digging up the lowdown on what is wrong with the organisation and many of its teachings & policies, until you get to a tipping point/point of no return, when something clicks in your head and the Watchtower's spell over you is finally broken for good.
The "discovery" stage is when Logan discovers there is another world out there, beyond the city, and most of what he was led to believe was bollox, and he is at last mentally free..etc. There's heaps of examples in the movies, sci fi, etc.